Chapter Information: The Oxford UK Chapter—Who we are and what we do Our Chapter was formed in 2003, shortly after the opening of the Oxford Harley-Davidson Dealership. In August 2005, the Blade Group bought the local franchise along with Cheltenham Harley-Davidson who sponsor our friends in the Rolling Hills Chapter. All chapters are sponsored by their local dealership, so we of course, are sponsored by the Oxford Harley-Davidson Dealership, also known by our members as ‘the Toyshop’. Our Dealership is located at the top end of Nuffield Way in Abingdon. If you don’t know Abingdon very well, as you drive from the A34 into Abingdon on the A415, the Fairacres Retail Park is on the left side. Take the left side slip road into Nuffield Way and follow it to the top end. You can’t miss the Dealership. We are into the leadership of our seventh Chapter Director, each of them elected by our Dealership. With guidance from the Director, the Dealership also elects any Assistant Directors, the Treasurer and the Secretary. All other committee members are voted for by the Chapter membership. Elections take place during our AGM in January but nominations must be made by the previous December meeting. We also have a dedicated team of Road Captains and Marshals, without whom we could not conduct our many ride-outs and riding events. It’s usual that we have a full and varied list of events throughout the year. Keep an eye on the events posted in our calendar on our web site The site can be accessed without a password, however, there is a section reserved for Chapter members only. The Oxford UK Chapter does NOT collect or store information about you when you visit our web site. Chapter membership is valid for 12 months and runs from January 1st to year end, although late joiners may be liable to a discounted membership, depending on the month of joining. Annual membership must be paid by the January Chapter night. The Chapter has its own magazine entitled THE HOGGIT. The Editor endeavours to create frequent editions and currently available electronically via email or from the Chapter web site. So, in a nutshell, that is the Harley-Davidson Oxford UK Chapter. But what do we do? The simple answer is PLENTY! Read on… We are a very social group and like to meet up at the Toyshop, at our monthly Chapter night, at Saturday Breakfast club, at Wednesday club, at our organised events, at Ladies of Harley outings, at other Chapters’ events, and of course at our own organised ride-outs. Rallies are a big part of the HOG calendar with most Chapters hosting their own. So you see, if you are of a social nature, there is plenty to get involved with and we’d love you to become part of helping to keep the Chapter running.