Breakfast Club
Once a month we meet up for breakfast and a natter. We try to spread our venues around so we don’t always go to the same place and the venues vary from Diners to Pubs to Biker Cafes. We usually meet between 9 and 10 am and stay as long as you want. If the weather is good, we may do an impromptu ride out or go on to other organised events. There are no rules, just come along, eat, don’t eat, ride, drive, walk, bring your dog. We don’t care, as long as you’re there.
Please see the Calendar or Upcoming Ride-outs page for more information.
Dates for 2025:
JAN Sat 18th
FEB Sun 16th
MAR Sat 15th
APR Sun 13th
MAY Sat 17th
JUNE Sat 14th
JULY Sat 12th
AUG Sun 17th
SEP Sat 13th
OCT Sun 19th
NOV Sat 15th
DEC Sun 14th